Tuesday, August 15, 2017

A glimpse into Ms. Wade Bussey's art classes

Hello everyone and welcome back! I am excited to start a new school year here at Tri-Cities. We are off to a great start in class. My Intro to Art students are currently exploring line (a moving point along a certain path or direction that does not return to it's starting point) After using continuous line to personalize sketchbooks, students then brainstormed 20 different types of geometric and organic lines. These lines were then used to assist in the project that is due this week. We discussed that incorporating a variety of lines (thickness and directions) can make compositions more dynamic! These projects should be completed by the end of this week.

Students in the Jewelry Design class are also off to a great start. Students were introduced to the jewelry tools, assigned pliers, discussed and explored ways to use paper in jewelry... We looked at several examples from old students and explored techniques (whew! We've been busy!) Students sketched their ideas and came up with a general color scheme before starting to create actual beads. 

Students in the Magnet Visual Art Comp class have discussed the purpose of an art portfolio and actually made their own. Students personalized them and are ready to load them with their artwork! We discussed contour line drawings and know that their are modified (you draw looking at the paper and studying what you are drawing) and blind contour (you draw without looking at the paper using continuous line trying to get as much detail as you can) drawings. Students chuckled at the idea of drawing without looking at the paper however they took the challenge and were surprised at their end results in most cases! This technique will help them truly draw what they are looking at without adding inventing information. (Pictures to come)

Students in ceramic classes started on the first day digging  into the huuuuuggggeeeee reclaim bin for their clay!! It was a great day! Students will go through the process of reclaiming clay throughout the school year. Students understand the importance of wedging their clay efficiently and adding vent holes for hollow work. We discussed the drying stages of clay and know the importance of cleaning up adequately. Students are in the beginning stages of creating pinch pot animals. (Pictures to come)

Students in Drawing and Painting also discussed and explored line through perspective drawing. Students should now understand the significance of  horizon line, vanishing points, vertical corner, and converging lines. Students practiced the technique, began planning their cityscapes and are now working on completing the drawing phase of the project by Friday this week. 

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